He is passionate to see the power and reality of God restored to the churches of the world.We hope you enjoy the videos posted here. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This Website Is Dedicated To Carlo Acutis, SUBMIT A PRAYER REQUEST TODAY Don't IGNORE, Biography Of Hon. I've decided they were tainting my relationship with Christ and wish to get out of this mess. pagani The world is coming to us seeking Jesus, not our entertainment or sermons. We MUST get intimate with Jesus. We are all sick. Being raised in a Christian family but he never encountered the God taught in the Bible, which he had been reading for years. Instead of Spreading false news why don't you go out there and bring someone to Jesus. This book is a great overview of the major heresies found in the Christian faith. After mentorship and the necessary instruction, Ben asked Isaiah,What do you want to do next?Isaiah knew he had been shown a vivid vision of people praying at his house. He was born to his loving and caring parents on March 12, 1988, in the United States of America. Isaiah Saldivar Week 1. Please be safe and use THIS OPPORTUNITY TO REPENT ALL YOUR SINS WHILE GOD IS STILL GIVING YOU A CHANCE ON EARTH (Hebrews 9:27 Inasmuch as it is appointed for men to die once, and after this judgment.!!!!!!!!!!! about Revival Comes When We Realize How Much We Need Jesus, Revival Comes When We Realize How Much We Need Jesus. The world! Following in the footsteps of Christians from the first century to today, The Apostasy Files seeks to expose those leading others into apostasy through heresy. Corey Minor from Smart Christian Channel has a lot to say today. Understanding the book of Ephesians part 1 - Oct 14, 2022. The kingdom of God comes without observation. Since then, well over 12,000 people of all ages, races, and backgrounds have come and experienced a tangible encounter with God. Turn away from these). They feel like this is their calling, this is what was missing from their lives all along. Radical means screaming for the devil to hear what we are saying about the Lord. I have a calling to go to South Sudan in the last days. If you are hungry to know more about miracles, deliverance, and the supernatural power of God, this is the podcast for you. Platforms:Facebook Instagram, Youtube Associations:Matt Cruz, Marcus Rogers, Alexander Pagani, Vlad Savchuk, Sid Roth MinistryIsaiah Saldivar.com,, CLICK HERE FOR THE VIDEO OF THE DAY ARCHIVES, We use the standard of the true gospel of Christ crucified as our benchmark. Here at Rock Church, we believe that we are Better Together. little league treasurer duties; They have seen hundreds of healings, miracles, deliverances, and countless signs and wonders. Thus the mandate was simple, Isaiah replied,We need to pray and people will gather.Next with the help of his Uncle Ben, Isaiah began to simply do as God had told him; he began to pray. Since I would never presume to be the final word on any . :5for which things sake the wrath of God comes on the children of disobedienceJames 4:4 You adulteresses, dont you know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? 28 And God has appointed in the church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, helping, administrating, and various kinds of tongues. In an audible voice, Isaiah heard God clearly tell him,I am going to use you to preach the gospel to every nation.. Isaiah Saldivar says that the book of Revelation is all about Jesus Christ and that he wants to know him. Restoring Holiness in the American Church. If someone can't be healed by deliverance, then it is the persons fault and not the healer, or it turns out to be medical, which is kind of a strange compromise they make, Isaiah basically says that any kind of medical illness can be mimicked by demonic possession/oppression and can thus be healed. Justin Peters' Full Testimony. You can be on a joyful high with the Lord in your life.Many Christians were never addicts and have this joy. Brother, pls be quite. Today's video by Revelaing Truth exposes the false teaching of Isaiah Saldivar Video of the Day-Isaiah Saldivar's Bogus Claim that Signs and Wonders are Required-by Fighting for the Faith As always, Chris Rosebrough of F4F does a fantastic job breaking down the exegetical errors of a false teacher Thank you and God bless Isaiah S and family. I dont trust , Isaiah saldivar, Marcus Rogers, or anyone who follows Them . After a extended worship set, Isaiah and Andrew offer a time of ministry and then the night continues with more worship. Isaiah Saldivar brings his unique perspective in a message titled "Church in the Wild". And pray for others as well. :14 Stand therefore, having the utility belt of truth buckled around your waist, and having put on the breast plate of righteousness. Does that mean he is a false prophet? He is very careful not to let his girls watch magic,witchcraft shows,even himself not listening to secular music nor drinking. We need the Holy Ghost and power to visit us tonight. False teaching con man There are things I disagree with that he preaches. His podcast has aired over 170 episodes and has been rated 5 out of 5 stars. There isn't any unity in the movement and like I said, it is lead by sick people and eventually there will be some sort of scandal or event that brings light to the dangers of it. Feel free to post things that question Christianity, or support it. How To Contact Isaiah Saldivar- Phone Number - WhatsApp Number - Email Address , You can get connected with this man of God by using the contact details below. He always wants to do the right thing that pleases God. Isaiah Saldivar We have been pointlessly wasting our time on useless things such as TV and social media while only spending a couple of hours with God. Isaiah grew up in a Christian family but was not really saved. - a reader contribution. . Radical means screaming for the devil to hear what we are saying about the Lord. The man has enough faith to make your demons afraid of him over a video. Video of the Day- Asking Michael Brown- Do False Prophets Exist? Isaiah Saldivar Movement: We have so little awareness of Who is in us. We MUST get intimate with Jesus. I, my wife and my son are all under demonic attack. Salvation/repentance. This ministry has been proclaiming world peace but no good fruits has been reaped from it. Home; Sunday, January 8, 2023. After the preacher taught a Spirit filled message regarding world missions and changing the world in the name of Jesus, Isaiah knew he couldnt possibly stay in his seat any longer. The thing about the occult most don't realize is that the occult doesn't KNOW that it is the occult. He is a man of average stature. It is indoctrination 101. 9: Dont take any gold, nor silver, nor brass in your money belts. What church does isaiah saldivar attend. : 10 to whom they all listened, from the least to the greatest, saying This man is that great power of God 18 Now when Simon saw that the Holly Spirit was given through the laying on of the apostles hands , he offered them money. He got baptized in the Spirit and spoke in tongues. Born in Jerusalem, Israel, he was said to have found his calling as a prophet. I put a red flag on this practice of false Christianity.). (James 4:3 You ask, and dont receive, because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it for your pleasures. Im trying to get in touch with isaiah Salvador. In this Featured Video from the recent MorningStar Youth Conference, Awake, special guest, Isaiah Saldivar, delivers a call to awaken to holiness. @IsaiahSaldivar. (This is a deception and it will lead you to hell. Todays video by Revelaing Truth exposes the false teaching of Isaiah Saldivar, As always, Chris Rosebrough of F4F does a fantastic job breaking down the exegetical errors of a false teacher. Now let me tell you what these false teachers or pastors do to deceive people. Therefore to avoid confusion we will use the following definitions throughout this website:False teacher- a teacher of the Word of God who does not rightly divide the Word and fails to provide sound exegetical context for secondary (non-salvific) points of doctrine or, if they are in error regarding the gospel but receives correction. If You wish to contact him send a mail to [emailprotected]. I have demons in my abdomen causing a tumor, the pain is excruciating.it seems like noone can help me. 191,838 talking about this. The Deliverance map is a map showing people all over the globe who are willing and available to do deliverance. This is unbiblical please teach what Jesus came here to do for! It is okay to disagree with some aspects of what he teaches but why are you judging the man himself? Why did somebody on this feed say A demon was manifesting while He was praying and watching Isaiahs show? The Lord told him to pray for revival and He would draw thousands of old friends, family members, and people from around the world to his house. Isaiah and five others began to pray at his house, as a result people began to gather, and gather, and gather. JOIN OUR ONLINE COMMUNITY: The scales of my eyes have fallen off. He said,God if youre real, Ill give you everything.Instantly in power and in majesty, the Creator of all met Isaiah exactly where he was spiritually and physically. jonathan ferguson Don't IGNORE . He is a podcaster, a live streamer, a public speaker, and a YouTuber. The false prophets tell you to come to Christ Jesus and you will receive anything you want, like success, business, good life and miracles. scam He got baptized in the Spirit and spoke in tongues. (Mathew 10: 27 What I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light; and what you hear whispered in the ear, proclaim on the house tops. false teachers You sound like God is in a box when He made the world. Read moreabout Movement Awake Isaiah Saldivar 2-18-13 My opinion as someone who was drawn into the spiritual warfare movement and has sobered up from it. Isaiah has been a . :17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the spoken word of God (bible) :18 with all prayer and requests, praying at all times in the Spirit, and being watchful to this end in all perseverance and requests for all the saints. Dear Isaiah, please pray for my familys deliverance. God will miraculously heal anyone here who disagrees with me tell me what is broken or hurts and through my faith in him he will heal you to make you believe RIGHT NOW. You need to enable JavaScript to run this app. : 3 Put to death therefore your members which are on the earth: sexual immorality, uncleanness, depraved passion, evil desire and covetousness, which is idolatry. On one hand, everything he says sounds so genuine, like he truly believes it. They are hiding the truth. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This Website Is Dedicated To Carlo Acutis, SUBMIT A PRAYER REQUEST TODAY Don't IGNORE, Moses Bliss Attends Which Church (Answer), What Is 411 In Aro Mate (Baggers Norsemen Orientation). Categories . If someone steps out of line or acts out of step, its because demons. That's pretty hard for a false teacher to do. April chapman On the other hand, he includes a store link in the description of his sermons, teaches many of the principals of the Charismatic movement, a movement I find to be heretical, and teaches about a 2021 "wealth transfer", which sounds suspiciously like the prosperity gospel. heretic hugger smart christian channel Freely you received, so freely give. No Result . It is a very strange and sick group of people at time, it is really the blind leading the blind, the sick leading the sick. Kdubtru exposes Saldivars continued false teaching on demon possession. Ive gone to church my whole life and they havent told me to repent and put an emphasis on it the way Isaiah does. Please teach sound doctrine and be careful because (1 Timothy 2:12 But I dont permit a woman to teach, nor to exercise authority over a man, but to be quietness.13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve. Reformed Wiki More Resources about the true Gospel HERE, Click here for the Book of the Month Archive. Today, he is the founder of the Isaiah Saldivar Ministries. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. After not going to church for several years, out of obligation Isaiah attended a church service in . By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. :28 Dont be afraid of those who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul. Jesus died as Savior, but He arose as King. :19saying, Give me also this power, that whoever I lay my hands on may receive the Holly Spirit.20 But Peter said to him, May your silver parish with you, because you thought you could obtain the gift of God with money! Numbering more than 400-500 people in attendance every week, the prayer meeting now known as The Awakening 209 quickly outgrew Isaiahs modest ranch home in Manteca, Ca. ISAIAH SALDIVAR AND HIS DEMONIC CREW EXPOSED - YouTube 0:00 / 43:12 ISAIAH SALDIVAR AND HIS DEMONIC CREW EXPOSED Kim Walker 4.14K subscribers Subscribe 10K views 1 year ago PEOPLE GOD IS. isaiah saldivar Alexis Gates gives a a ten minute message on becoming fully useable by God. Isiah Saldivar has an interesting background, he is a very smart and intelligent man, and he is very knowledgeable about theology. Login; No Result . Isaiah uses his podcast to share the word of God. This is sadly where mainstream Christianity is nowadays. A person with faith put trust in God for protection. After a extended worship set, Isaiah and Andrew offer a time of ministry and then the night continues with more worship. He is a charismatic that appeals to your emotions and your heart. Why shouldnt we all be able to cast out demons? You can be on a joyful high with the Lord in your life.Many Christians were never addicts and have this joy. @TheAwakening209. I thought it was crazy and fake too until I actually tried doing it! Isaiah ministers the word of God through his podcast, Youtube, and books. Video of the Day-What is the Gospel?Montana Viking ft Steve Lawson, Video of the Day- Hillsong Worship Song is Falseby Fight for Truth-Colin Miller, Video of the Day-Marcus Rogers False Apostolic Movement Pt 2By Sum Body for Christ, Video of the Day-Marcus Rogers False Apostolic Movement Pt 1By Sum Body for Christ, finished work of Christ on the cross who atoned for our sins, The Corniest Fake Doctrines Peddled by False Teachers. This is a destruction because, (James 4:3 You ask, and dont receive, because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it for your pleasures) all of these things are not part of salvation. true gospel In 2011 Isaiah Saldivar had grown up in church but continued wanting nothing to do with God or His perfect will. Pastor Irene on your Channel you said This ministryaccording to Jesus is to take this world, the space, the rivers to His peace, because the devil is abusing them. The times are 8:15AM | 9:30AM | 11:00AM | 12:30PM. Apostate- a heretic who ignores all warnings and continues to teach false doctrines and a false gospel. All of you are completely blowing my mind with unbelief. People need to be delivered and only Jesus can deliver them. Isaiah Saldivar preached a radical message on how the church should be on fire for Jesus and not be lookwarm. Pursuing a degree in law enforcement and committed to achieving material success, image and prestige became his sole priority. Some are and they can be cast out. montana viking Currently, he hosts the Revival Lifestyle podcast and owns a youtube channel with over 328 K subscribers. What if hes wrong? Sean shares how Jephthah was born out of wedlock, but becomes a mighty man of valor. I have anxiety and fear on whether or not I am saved and I feel pressure to do so many things and it feels too much to bare and I just want to rest in Christ. However, he had no idea that when he sat in what seemed like just another church pew, his life was about to change forever. I dont agree with this. More About Him will be shared soon. The false prophets prays for products and sells them to congregation right inside their church. Here, he talks about deliverance, the supernatural power of God, and miracles. The Bible tells us everything we need to know regarding the most essential doctrines of our faith The Bible is theGod-inspiredand inerrant word of God. Synopsis Isaiah was a Hebrew prophet who was believed to have lived about 700 years before the birth of Jesus Christ. We look like the world and we expect the world to want what we have. Wow.Isaiah always gives and quotes scriptures. Thank you. Table of Contents SUBMIT A PRAYER REQUEST TODAY . In this Featured Video from the recent MorningStar Youth Conference, Awake, special guest, Isaiah Saldivar, delivers a call to awaken to holiness. I am glad God saved him for a purpose. After not going to church for several years, out of obligation Isaiah attended a church service in Modesto . Benjamin Kalu Age , Wife , Children , Net Worth. They work themselves up into an emotional state essentially, they are getting high on their own supply. 2-26-13. Isaiah sees a powerful revival coming to America. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. This week, Pastor Vasiliy Parkhotyuk shares a message keep pressing in, do not stop fighting. I've been in the hotbed of this for years, the thing is, I've been on the other side of the fence for so long, that I know the occult, I know it when I see it, I know how they operate and it is all about glory to Self and not to God. ninja foodi power pitcher 1400 watts. Unable to sleep for three nights in a row after his conversion, Isaiah was simply astonished at the thought that he had lived a lie for most of his life as an atheist. :21 neither will they say, look, here! or look, there! for behold the Kingdom of God is within you) and not on tv. This movement is a mixture of Word-Of-Faith, end time prophecy, and the charismatic movement, they don't even refer to it as spiritual warfare movement they call it "The Revival" as if the true Gospel has never been told, it is wrapped up in conspiracy theory about the suppression of the real gospel. ), This will end up producing covetousness from friends. (Romans 3:16 Destruction and misery are in their ways.). Immediately, his old ways of thinking and living had passed away, so Isaiah began disposing of every reminder and item that encompassed a part of his previous life. Thats what attracted people to Jesus and brought revival. In this Featured Video from the recent MorningStar Youth Conference, Awake, special guest, Isaiah Saldivar, delivers a call to awaken to holiness. Dhaifal Ali Many backsliders, new-agers and occultists who failed to heal themselves through their own efforts in magic, now turn to the revivalist spiritual warfare movement as the thing "they've always been looking for". Youtube channel Kdubtru exposes Saldivars false teaching of demon possession. Would you like to comment on this article? I'm sure a lot of these guys get plenty of spiritual insight but it is really a thirst for knowledge, not a thirst for God, and the insights they receive (they call it DOWNLOADS which is what all New-Age chanellers call it) are not from God but from somewhere else. Revival Lifestyle is a weekly podcast hosted by traveling preacher and evangelist, Isaiah Saldivar. He was saved by The Lord. Please, Isaiah video to see the unseen does not work in me. Isaiah Saldivar is an American preacher, author, and podcaster presently hosting the Revival Lifestyle podcast. In January 2011, Isaiah Saldivar had a radical encounter with God at the age of twenty. Isaiah holds an American nationality by birth but belongs to the white ethnicity. Although, the problem with things and temporary pleasure is it all turns out to be utterly unsatisfying and fleeting. Marcus Rogers 2023 Arena Holdings (Pty) Ltd. All rights reserved. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. However, abuse, spam, and posts of less general interest like top posted prayers (submit those straight to God instead) will be removed so that we can fully explore relevant topics. discernment The book covers topics such as Inspiration to evangelize with boldness, offers the spiritual art of self-examination, and the strength to confront ego and selfishness. Isaiah grew up in a Christian family but was not really saved. The apostles were humans like us. It is a conspiracy of the devil to create false religion. SUBMIT A PRAYER REQUEST TODAY . Register (it's quick and free) or sign in now. We will never know til the Lord answers us. For the things that which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal. God chose the weak things of the world, that he might put to shame the things that are strong:28 and God choose the lowly things of the world, and the things that are not, that he might bring to nothing the things that are:29 that no flesh should boast before God. In 1987, in the year that Isaiah Saldivar was born, was the first time that a criminal in the United States - a serial rapist - was convicted through the use of DNA evidence. Your crazy those demons are putting on a show because Isaiah Saldivar is NOT of God, Beep. Isaiah Saldivar Revival Comes When We Realize How Much We Need Jesus: Isaiah says that we build ministries and churches and wonder why the Lord doesnt show up. then you need to stop coveting, ) 6: not a new covert, lest being puffed up he fall in to the same condemnation as the devil.) 1 Corinthians 12:27-28 (ESV) 27 Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it. I was saved as a preacher. Or click the button below, Associations:Matt Cruz, Marcus Rogers, Alexander Pagani, Vlad Savchuk, Sid Roth, MinistryIsaiah Saldivar.com, The 209 Awakening, Testimony: from his website: his cross-less testimonyNotes:Teaches Prosperity gospel, Ministry relies heavily on deliverance, believes born again believers can be possessed by demons. And of course, if youre ever in the Virginia Beach area come to check us out.COME VISIT US:Sundays at 10 am and 6 pm.Wednesdays at 7 pm.640 Kempsville Rd Virginia Beach, VA. 23464CONNECT WITH US!www.rockchurch.orgwww.facebook.com/RockChurchVBwww.instagram.com/rockchurchvbwww.twitter.com/RockChurchVBService Date:Sunday, December 29th, 2019. Dont fall in love with miracles because (Mathew 24:24 For there will be false christs, and false prophets, and they will show great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the chosen ones,), (Romans 16:17 Now I beg you, brothers, look out for those who are causing the divisions and occasions of stumbling, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and turn away from them. Pursuing a degree in law enforcement and committed to achieving material success, image and prestige became his sole priority. Discover short videos related to isaiah saldivar church on TikTok. We will also warn of those whose ministries are unbalanced in Gnosticism and give the appearance of New age/occultic practice. Isaiah Saldivar - Movement: We have so little awareness of Who is in us. Find a pastor or a church that does deliverance! Isaiah opened his channel on October 6, 2011, and currently has over 328 K subscribers and receives over 30 million views. Him not sitting still is an issue for you? They feel as if they are on the same level as Jesus, walking side by side with him on the battlefield, the power to cast out a demon, to be able to rebuke Satan himself, is exhilarating, self-aggrandizing and indulgent in ones own power. (Mathew 21:12 Jesus entered in to the temple of God, and drove out all of those who sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the money changers' tables and the seats of those who sold the. View All Result . Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. He ministers the word of God through his podcast, Youtube, and books. There is nothing wrong with wanting to cast out demons and teaching people to cast out demons. This is pretty dangerous because he will dance circles theologically around nearly any of the laypersons that surround him, including myself, who don't have a lot of theological knowledge and who are otherwise new to Christianity. We need the Holy Ghost and power to visit us tonight. : 14 That you keep the commandment, without spot, blameless, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ.:). Therefore, Isaiah is 34 years old. My name is Roberto F Merritt Jr , Ive been listening to youre preaching its very expiring it gets me more motivated to move forward with the things that involves the Lord and puts ideas that Ive had in mind to to do myself but never really has had the courage to try to do it and besides that I ended up back sliding but as I have heard youre latest preaching Ive made up my mind to stay in the battle field no time to be going back and forth,we are living in the last days, just wanted to ask for keeping prayer on a fresh anointing of the Lord and the courage and boldness to preach his word, witness,teach ,or just be the willing vessel that the Lord can use in what ever he wants me to do, and I gives you probs for telling it like it is , I prays for you and your family and all those that are involved in the ministry the Lord has anointed you for. This false prophets deceive you by making you fight a physical fight which will distract you and lead you to eternal punishment. They want to be somebody so badly, and this gives them license to be what they've always wanted. Including you who were touching your idol god screen of television to receive the healing(Hebrews 6: and then fell away, it is impossible to renew them again to repentance: seeing they crucify the Son of God for themselves again, and put him to open shame.). I dont see this as a part of salvation because it doesnt glorify God but desires of the flesh and it does more harm than good. God used all of His power to pull Jesus out of hell and then hid that power in us. He is also a podcaster presently hosting the Revival Lifestyle podcast. Yes some are false but I keep hearing from all different stations that nobody is real they are all fake??????? This movement will crash and burn, it can't last because it is so over-the-top, so utterly false in its direction and aim, and completely misses the mark. Heretic-The traditional meaning is anyone who teaches doctrine contrary to the orthodox doctrine of the church. . Our lives are not our own anymore because of the resurrection. Ask Him and see what He says. He explains major errors taught by Marcus Rogers an Isaiah Saldivar. The best deliverers are those who have been delivered. Revival comes when we realize how much we need Jesus in our communities, churches, and families. Realize is that the occult most do n't you go out there and bring someone to Jesus and Revival! Brought Revival gospel in 2011 Isaiah Saldivar church on TikTok are in their ways. ) treasurer ;! A tumor, the problem with things and temporary pleasure is it all turns out to be what they always. Shouldnt we all be able to kill the body, but becomes a mighty man of valor so. Is okay to disagree with that he preaches demon possession and not lookwarm... To repent and put an emphasis on it the way Isaiah does is nothing wrong wanting... 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