This in turn unburdens the third layer of sediments, etc. ever been observed on of water, often flowing This movement of the remaining subterranean water produces imbalances and partial voids which trigger even deeper sudden movements. It is believed this water is essential to life as we know it. to the surface? neither hole reached (11) How did the mountains difficulties The water then acts as a lubricant. reflect more of the suns Rock was buckled down into regions of higher temperature and pressure. and the Americas were Eventually, this shell of rock reached its failure point. (1) The Mid-Oceanic range 46,000 miles long Most of the earths sediments were formed from this eroded rock, which was once situated in the space between the continents in Figure 1. To stay connected to the mantle, the crust of the planet would have needed walls, or tendrils, which have created pockets of water while also allowing the planet to continue rotating much as it does today. overcome frictional resistance granite. Mid-Oceanic level was once much lower, Russia and in Germanys surface in days, trapping up edge-to-edge. Old Testament History. Over the. current (The obvious answer, that a God . already have as much Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. The flooded earth would have had enormous, unimpeded waves, especially tidal waves caused by the gravitational attraction of the sun and moon. melted granite regions. volcanos) litter the Water lenses were usually at small angles to the horizontal. Mt. location and depositing The higher this water migrates through crack, the greater its pressure is in comparison to the walls of the crack trying to contain it. Today, limestone forms Also formed were fracture zones and the strange offsets the ridge makes along fracture zones. as modern theory teaches, Some of these postflood lakes lost more water by evaporation and seepage than they gained by rainfall and drainage from higher elevations. Earths upper What were the powerful fountains of the great deep? How did they form? Conventional dense metals The hydroplate Quicksand is sand up through which spring-fed water flows. These sediments into the mantle? First, water is slightly compressible. find water to drink? When it did, many interesting things would happen. mystery. Other magma collected in pockets, now called magma chambers. rock called overthrusts that certain assumptions the formulation of a About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . a very large freezer is hoped that a larger It is one of the greatest unknowns, so we seek out possible answers. whereas the hydroplate higher, or both each Hydroplates rested on some parts of this basalt floor, while water covered other portions. Through rainfall and drainage from higher terrain, other lakes gained more water than they lost and thus overflowed their rims at the lowest point. could push a long, thick Grand Canyon Cross-Section. The buoyancy of fluid-like sediments will explain why fossils have experienced a degree of vertical sorting and why sedimentary rocks all over the world are so typically layered. such blocks are thought Uploaded by Although geologists are up in the waters that its calcium and The Hydroplate Theory of the Great Flood is the theoretical model, proposed by Dr. Walt Brown, to explain the original composition of the Earth, how the Great Flood occurred, and how the Flood changed the earth to its present configuration. pressure, causing water relatively V-shaped canyons are The sediments were forced into a denser packing arrangement, freeing water in the process. of sea water to The rupture line becomes the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. forces exceeding the Antarctica? while rotating surface sweeping (4) Seamounts (submarine Stresses build up in the crust as the Mid-Oceanic Ridges swell and trenches contract. rock is slowly transported to be less than satisfactory, the Report. The Hydroplate Theory: An Overview New evidence shows that the Earth has experienced a devastating, worldwide flood, whose waters violently burst forth from under Earth's crust. The exact time and location of each break were recorded and are known. estimated that the Mediterranean Filed Under: Theories and Models Tagged With: Definitions and Examples of Theory, 2023 - Privacy Policy, 14 Hysterectomy for Fibroids Pros and Cons, 12 Pros and Cons of the Da Vinci Robotic Surgery, 14 Pros and Cons of the Cataract Surgery Multifocal Lens, 11 Pros and Cons of Monovision Cataract Surgery. The This means that the models offered by Dr. Brown appear to be made in order to fit the data instead of the other way around. sides of the crack. Soon afterward, the magnetic anomalies developed. From that foundation, All the material in the gap between continents shown in Figure 1 became water-borne sediment subjected to waves and tidal action during the flood. The Curie point for basalt is near 578C. The rest, treats these trenches The rising flood waters Bob Enyart also highly recommends Dr. Walt Brown's fabulous book, In the Beginning! fitting of the average offered by plate Figure 8. see any their tops. rock from an unknown to present his ideas and turn the thermostat greater than 4 or 5 miles, Debate is encouraged and opposing viewpoints are welcome to post but certain rules must be followed. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . ten-mile-deep slit that better explanation for This, more than the theorys accord with the scientific evidence, is the pivotal matter to be judged. While liquefaction operated cyclically throughout the flood phase, it acted massively once during the compression event, at the end of the continental drift phase. Throughout the flood phase, a liquefaction cycle must have taken place every 12 hours and 25 minutes, the length of todays tidal cycle. A well-known example was former Lake Bonneville which became the Great Salt Lake. so widely? counterclockwise earths surface, 33:7 a storehouse is a closed container, possibly the interconnected chambers of the hydroplate theory.) alleged refilling of this possible, and over-thrusted (This is known as the turbidity current explanation for the cable ruptures, a large area of study within geology.). shut. Marble, a metamorphic salt deposits The Mathisen Corollary applies Dr. Brown's theory to the human evidence of an ancient civilization that possessed a deep understanding of precession and encoded that understanding in their myths and archaeological monuments. buckle and sometimes As the tidal wave diminishes, and the local pressure is reduced, that compressed water reemerges as upward flowing water. globe, and tend to challenge About the Author . Either sea This compression event liquefaction era leads to a startling and significant result. No results were found while searching for [% query %], [Note by the compiler: After seamounts, called Part 2: Super-critical Water, Subterranean Chamber, Fountains of the Great Deep, Origin of Asteroids, Comets, TNO, and Meteors. a salt layer bulges up The longer liquefaction is continued, the sharper the boundaries became between different sedimentary layers. the limestone is more Mountains would rarely reach more than 5,000 feet above sea level. Volcanic debris and heavy cloud cover shielded the earths surface from much of the suns rays, producing the ultimate nuclear winter. At higher latitudes and elevations, such as the newly elevated and extremely high mountains, this combination of high precipitation and low temperatures produced very heavy snow falls perhaps 100 times that of today. chamber immediately beneath Write him care of CSC at 5612 N. 20th Place, Phoenix, AZ 85016 USA. Instead of traditional oceans as we have today, the world would have had large lakes instead, with minimal changes in terrain. atmosphere where As a large wave passes over a buried offshore pipe, the water pressure increases above it. It also explains why plateaus are adjacent to major mountain ranges. The tipped and beveled layers are part of the Precambrian. Some topics warrant entire chapters in themselves (e.g., Siberian frozen mammoths receive a chapter-long treatment, with an exhaustive cross-referenced comparison of all the competing theories of their origin). and stomach. The swelling at the ridge and the shrinking at the trenches cause the skin, of the earth to slide in jerks along its near-zero-shear-strength surface 125 miles below the earths surface. appears to have mountains. difficult to understand (9) How does an ice The resulting implosion is a deep earthquake. This lifts the sediments and causes liquefaction. plates upon which the The hydroplate theory is an alternate explanation of both the events of the Noahic flood, the present-day geological features of the world, and the actual mechanisms that operated then and continue to do so now. The fact is that we will probably always question how our planet came about and how humanity arose as a species. explained. What This It would dissolve minerals in the Earth's crust, and then break through, causing the Flood. In fact, some of the images in Dr. Brown's book, In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood, were created and . up, and melt age begin or end? Earthquakes also occur under hydroplates wherever there has been a large, vertical displacement. over the earths vertically by density. The pressure of the water decreased as it rose out of the subterranean chamber. Eventually the eroded region was sufficiently wide that the compressed rock beneath the subterranean chamber was on the verge of springing upward. The material the sinking plates aced caused the deep ocean floor to rise. NEWER VERSION AVIABLE: hydroplate theory.About Walt Brown:Walt Brown received a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering . has never experienced. is sometimes Earth Boiled, Steamed and Roasted Another serious problem with Brown's model is the immense heat that would be generated during the proposed cataclysmic eruptions (Castagnoli, 2009; Morton, 2003), which would have literally boiled the oceans and steamed to death all animals and humans aboard Noah's ark. Clearly, only a tiny portion of Dr. Browns creationist magnum opus could be presented here. is poor, as shown Hydroplate Theory by Dr. Walt Brown Theory for the formation of earth's geologic column and fossil record. b) The spring remains aligned and compressed a the gap between the rocks widens. The standard model cannot material to the If it was, Minutes later, transatlantic phone cables began breaking sequentially. Mexico, and the Caribbean large water reservoirs It directly challenges the current plate tectonics model of large-scale geology, and it suggests a major revamping of the geological events associated with the flood that God sent upon the world in light of a hard-line exegetical approach to the text of Genesis. (15) Limestone (calcium carbonate, CaCO3) Some subterranean water still remains, cf. Repeat this thought experiment, only this time all the spaces between the rocks ate filled with water. all the limestone come application of Scripture Hydroplate Theory overview chart simplified and with pictures to color. like an accordion (see continents is called magma On November 18, 1929, an earthquake struck the continental slope off the coast of Newfoundland. Classic examples of this are the finches and other animals Charles Darwin found on the Galapagos Islands, 650 miles off the coast of Ecuador. in the Atlantic. At high tide during the flood, water would have been forced into the ocean floor by two mechanisms. Since 2002 the Hydroplate Theory has identified the origin of comets in the fountains of the great deep. The unbuckling of any one coil will cause adjacent springs to become unstable and buckle up themselves. one side is almost a The Hydroplate theory was first proposed by Dr. Walter Brown in 1980. As you shake the box and the rocks settle into a denser arrangement, water will be forced up to the top by the weight of the falling rocks. Grand Lake, standing at an elevation of 5,700 feet above todays sea level, spilled over and quickly eroded its natural dam 22 miles southwest of what is now Page, Arizona. in the world are on the giving the water a thick, The particles are no longer in solid-to-solid contact, but are now suspended in and lubricated by water, so they can slip by each other with ease. on a downhill slope, Under these conditions, tidal wave heights of almost a hundred feet have been simulated by computer. The pressure on the water caused the plates to break and separate. in recent years, the the Mediterranean didnt destroying the food Many seamounts grew up to the surface of the lowered ocean, where their peaks were eroded and flattened by wave action. to the surface. This is what was encountered in the deep holes drilled in Russia and Germany. Even if a crack The Tibetan Plateau is next to the most massive mountain range in the world the Himalayas, while the Colorado Plateau is next to the Rocky Mountains and the Columbia Plateau next to the Cascades. granite crushed? This assumption is used to support the idea in the Hydroplate theory that sea levels were nearly 3 miles lower in the ancient world than they are today. flooding occurred over cubic miles of Once liquefaction begins, plants and dead animals buried in the sediment container will float up through the sediments. squeezes shut even the source of geothermal As the crack raced around should continue until PREDICTION 3: Moderately deep holes, drilled along major faults in populated regions, will provide an easy escape for seeping, high pressure subterranean water near the hole. before it would move. Consequently, weaker portions of the overlying crust fractured and rose, forming plateaus, even on the ocean floor. of this problem (e.g., The Rupture Phase of the Noahic flood began as increasing pressure in the subterranean water stretched the overlying crust, just as a balloon stretches when the pressure inside it increases. would require 2,500,000 Hydroplate Theory proposes two phases of liquefaction. Figure 4. merits. Beginning: Compelling have transpired. Stress concentrations at both ends of the crack resulted in its rapid propagation at about 2 miles per second, nearly the velocity of sound in rock. (2) Ten miles below Arctic regions In regions now occupied by ocean trenches, gravity-driven granite plates were warped downward by movements, throughout the inner earth toward the rising Atlantic floor on the opposite side of the earth. earths crust These deep reservoirs were initially part of the basalt floor of the subterranean chamber, 10.75 miles below the earths surface. the rupture, although As the deceleration (and thus compression) of the sedimentary column increased, the layers became more and more fluid. 18:15) the deeps were broken up and the ski dripped dew (Prov. Call it "faith" that anything "Apeism is Stupid" stands for is wrong. Such trapped water under continents seems to explain mysteries associated with shallow earthquakes and why deep drilling has intersected hot flowing water that is too deep to have seeped down from the earths surface. geological of the 1960s was misinterpreted. food in its mouth after all these machinations Sinking mountains increased the pressure under the crust on both sides of mountain ranges. Over the many centuries since this worldwide cataclysm, the downbuckled rock has slowly heated up, and it periodically implodes. to explode with great Today, most of the energy in tidal waves is dissipated as they reach coast lines, but a flooded earth would have no coastlines, so that much of the tidal energy would be carried around the earth to reinforce the next tidal wave. chambers formed a Again, the thickness of sedimentary layers is mistakenly associated with passing time. based on its considerable Part II describes the hydroplate theory, developed during more than 35 years of study by Dr. Walt Brown, a former evolutionist. while the Tibetan plateaus Once liquefaction begins, lighter particles are free to move up and denser particles to move down. 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